83 Throckmorton Lane
Old Bridge NJ 08857
Parish Office (732) 679-5666
First Communion Sessions:Prayers to remember for First Penance:
• Act of Contrition
• Sign of the Cross
• Our Father (The Lord's Prayer)
• Hail Mary
• Glory Be
What will happen on the day of First Penance / Reconciliation:
• Pews will be labeled by name. Teachers will take attendance.
• The child will sit with one parent or two.
• There will be 4 stations where Confessions will be heard. 2 in the front of the Church and 2 in the rear in the Confessionals (Priests are: Fr. Jack Grimes, Fr. Tholitho, Fr. Jack O'Kane, Fr. Jay Alquiros.
• Each grade will have an assigned station for confession. Station assignments to follow. Emails will be sent during the Christmas break.
• Each child will be called in once the priest is available for confession.
Step-by-Step Process:
1. The child will go to the priest with one or both parents.
2. The child will have a copy of the My First Confession card.
3. Parent(s) will introduce their child to the priest.
4. Parents will go back to their pew. Parents are not allowed to listen to their child's confession
5. The child will proceed with confession. The child will listen to the priest during confession. The priest will give the penance to the child.
6. The priest will pray the prayers of absolution over the child.
7. After confession, the child will go back to his/her pew and say the penance given to them by the priest.
• Once the child finishes the steps above he/she will go to Mrs. Vivian Ting with their parent(s) for the Certificate of Penance/Reconciliation.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ):
Is there an examination of conscience to help me prepare for Penance?
On our website at this page, https://www.saintambroseparish.com/psr we have three examination of conscience documents:
• Examination of Conscience for Young People
• Examination of Conscience for Teens
• Examination of Conscience for Adults
For the young children, I highly recommend parents go over the Examination of Conscience for Young people.
Will there be a card with the guide on how to go to confession for the first time ?
Yes. We will have a simple card (My First Confession) with the words the child will say when they go to confession and we will include the Act of Contrition on the card.
Will the priest help me if I get stuck with what to say or do when going to confession ?
Yes. The priest is there to help you through the process and not to make you stressed out or worried. This is all about love and having a relationship with Our Lord.
When is my child finished or when can the child go home
The child and family may go home after completing steps 1 through 6 above and has picked up his/her Certificate of First Penance/Reconciliation.
Any questions, please contact me directly at [email protected] or call our office at 732-679-5580
Once again, thank you for bringing your child to participate in the Sacrament of Reconciliation and for helping them celebrate their First Penance.
In the Holy Name of Jesus, and Immaculate Heart of Mary, I pray.
Rev. Mr. Harry P. De Freitas - Parish Catechetical Leader (Deacon Harry)
Saint Ambrose - Parish School of Religion (PSR)
81 Throckmorton Lane
Old Bridge, NJ 08857
[email protected]
Website: https://www.saintambroseparish.com/psr
For Religious Education News including School closing and delayed openings due to inclement weather go to: https://www.saintambroseparish.com/religious-education
During the final weeks prior to First Holy Communion, we will provide preliminary instruction on how to receive.
What do we believe regarding the Holy Eucharist?
The word Eucharist means thanksgiving. As Catholics, we firmly believe that in the Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist we receive the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Our Lord, Jesus Christ. Jesus gave us this precious Sacrament when he instituted the Holy Eucharist at the Last Supper. Just as our bodies need physical nourishment, so too does our spiritual self, our soul require spiritual nourishment in order to get to heaven.